>>91114893She has the same problem I had when I went to college. Second semester I missed a class and it sent me into a panic spiral of "I can't go back in because they'll judge me so harshly now that I'm an adult, but then that means I can't be on campus since they'll see me there, but now I've missed other classes so I can't go back there and oh God oh fuck" etc.
The solution was ultimately: Just go and admit you fucked up and ask for help. The college understood, didn't care, threw Ws on all the classes and said "okay don't worry try next time with less pressure on yourself."
Often times in life, we punish ourselves far harsher in our heads than the world itself will externally. The Mind can find itself to be it's own worst enemy at many times. If she just came back around and shot the shit, people wouldn't mind, and if a member's stream is her first step to doing it, then hey, that's alright.