(Had to split my post because it got flagged as spam for some reason)
>>85927636Never too late to start! You can expect to make some serious progress in the first 6 to 12 months. We have a starter guide in the OP.
>>85927802Okayu was also the designated leader of the mechanics and Mio was the stand-in leader for all other civilians, although I guess since the other civilians were all scattered and did very different things, they didn't really learn much from each other so it would make sense they were a little clueless.
>>85927681Fubuki did say at the very end today that she would be happy if there would be another one or if this could turn into a yearly thing, but I'm not sure if anything is planned this year. But I don't see why they wouldn't do another one, this seems to have been a huge success for them and also really helps putting some lesser known talents into the spotlight and established new relationships and stuff. Also, since there is no longer a sports festival, this could probably slot in nicely to replace it as a big event for this vague third quarter time slot as long as there is enough interest.