General - Lovers (R)
Health - Page of Wands (U)
Work - Lovers (U)
Luck - 2 of Pentacles (R)
Advice - Ace of Swords (U)
>Seems like a year for Subaru might be kinda air headed, and not as focused.>Health seems fine, no big issues. As long as she considers her health and what condition she needs to be in for her goals, she ought to be fine.>In regards to gambling, her luck fortune isn't great. But if she is gonna take on some gambling, she should take it seriously. >Subaru will likely be able to enjoy her work and do things that she wants to do. It should be a comfortable year in terms of work for Subaru.>For advice, Subaru is advised to take on new challenges. New things will work out surprisingly well for her. Luckily, Subaru was just thinking of doing that anyway. Mio's other piece of advice is to make sure Subaru actually takes other people's advice and consolidate it.