Sup Lia! I watched your panko stream and I noticed you said you were wearing skirts down to your ankles now. Yeah Lia. Lets go! That's what I love to hear. As you know i'm all about marian modesty for women, It's the must beautiful manner for women to dress and I think i've already told you this but there's a piece that brings everything together which is the veil. You don't have to wear it everyday but it's necessary when entering a church. They great ones in etsy.
>Why Veil at Mass certain I already shared that video with you but just in case I hope you enjoy it.
>veilsI heard some women are super self conscious about wearing them at church but why would they? It looks beautiful on women. All of our ancestors wore it and it's necessary anyway. Your doing great Lia, great stream and great collab! Tell panko I said hello too thanks! And we need to get your self esteem and self confidence up as well. High self esteem and high self confidence Lia is the best Lia! but i'm glad to say i've been hearing a lot of confidence and self esteem in your voice so I'm glad it's going up! Yeah you, let's go! More of that Lia, kewp it up!
>>96507330>believing humans existed for 100,000 years