>>60195138Doctors are legal drug dealers and the mental health industry is an obfuscation of how the whole this is an offshoot of the opioid industrial complex. Shrinks are entirely dependent on corporate funded education to identify "symptoms" and tell them which pills can "cure" them. Naturally since the companies that manufacture the pills fund the education they try as hard as possible to create a category for every single thing a person can do and list it as a symptom of something that can be medicated. Basic human instinct like not wanting flashlights pointed into your eyes or not liking loud bars are both listed symptoms that have medications. So are just "feeling pain" and having sensitivity to cold. The entire human condition has been rapidly categorized by corporate pill pushers so that even the healthiest person on earth can be prescribed some kind of heroin just because they don't want to stab themselves with a knife when they're tired and cooking dinner. To top it off most pills don't even work properly or specifically, they're just general downers. Literally all they do is decrease your mental capacity to a point where you can no longer process what you feel. You still feel it, you just can't explain it so the shrinks think it's gone because they are the least educated healthcare professionals in the world.