Isn't this the exact, 180 degree opposite of most people's experience though? The Nijisanij EN girls have enduring deep-bonded friendships from their time together as indies. While the Hololive EN girls have no real relationships with each other outside of coworkers status. In fact a significant number of the Nijisanji EN girls were literally hired specifically because of their close friendship to the other girls.
In fact, there was a very noticable change in the way that Hololive EN interacted with each other, in order to copy the close friendship interactions of the Nijisanji girls. With a large number of unexpected off-collabs and chat interactions. This was suddenly introduced to Hololive EN as a blatant copying of the Nijisanji girl's friendship.
In fact Pippa's opinion seems to be very uninformed, because she doesn't even seem to know who the Nijsanji girls are. She also strangely starts talking about the Nijisanji JP girls. Which is odd, because unlike in Hololive, virtually nobody who is a fan of Nijisanji EN also watches Nijisanji JP, they might as well be completely separate companies. In fact this is a common criticism of Hololive in general, that their English branch is so weak that they funnel their people into watching Japanese vtubers who they cannot even understand. Pippa seems to have fallen for this, isn't that a New York/New Jersey accent she has? Why is she watching Japanese vtubers? In fact if more English speakers broke out of watching Japanese talents, maybe there'd be more people to watch the smaller English corporations, such as herself.
The notion that the hololive girls have closer friendships is just.....bizarre. Is that something she read in hololive global? They push a lot of absurd memes in that thread in order to keep people on the hololive plantation. Like one tactic of theirs is to mass-reply to a post in order to reinforce a particular opinion. Have you noticed that if you post a thread about a non-hololive talent, you'll get a deluge of replies all saying "who?", which are all saging the thread? That's a brigade tactic to prevent anyone from looking at non-hololive vtubers. Here, they do it to Pippa too:
>>20938773It's kind of shocking that Pippa would be repeating and reinforcing this hololive propaganda.