>>86352857They literally said the same thing in both languages. Do your reps or get a job, but do something better with your time than making shit up on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
>We're so happy that we can be a part of a big event like this, with JP/ID/EN.>Yeah, you know, it was not easy, there's a lot of different rules, and different things to do (explain too).>You know, the game, not all parts are in english, and not everybody knows japanese, and if they do, it's at different levels, so it's really hard for our senpais to organize and make sure everyboyd is understanding. But we're really so so happy and thankful that EN and ID could also be included in an event like this.Japanese:
>そうね こんなJP/EN/IDも、皆まとめて参加できるイベントはすごい大変だっと思うし>皆もIDとENのメンバー、まあ日本語が完全に分かってるって意味じゃないし、FUWAMOCOもそうだし>そう、皆能力レベルバラバラだし、わからないメンバーとかも沢山いるし>そう、時差もね大変ですしね...だからわかる>でもこんなはねENもIDも参加できたのはすごくすっごく感謝してます (嬉しい)>もっと、ね、FUWAMOCO参加したいな~>だから今度はね、一週間全部出勤できたのはすごく嬉しかったです>ちょっと難しかった時とかもあったけどどうしても参加したくて、頑張りました!Last few lines were new information, so then comes english again:
>Yeah, we're really happy, we're happy that we could participate in every day, even though there were some times that were a bit rough, and every day was really long, but we're happy that we were able to come into the hospital, do our shifts as the medic, help out and get to know everybody more, Holos Santos.>We really hope there will be more events like this all together with everybody, but we know they're really rough too.Then they say both in english and japanese that they definitely want to be a part of it again. Then they read the second supa and only reply in english. Do keep in mind that I'm a lazy fuck whose only "reps" are staring at Senchou and videogames, so there could be wrong things in there, but the gist is very easy to grasp.
*fart noises*