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These tourists are making me sad! I am emotionally affected by them, and their comments are making my feelings hurt! It's as though their words have a weight that sits heavy on my chest, dragging me down into a pit of despair. I try to brush off their comments, to pretend like they don't bother me, but deep down, I know they do.
It's not just the words themselves, but the tone in which they're delivered. The sneers, the snide remarks, the laughter that follows—it all feels like a personal attack, like they're mocking me for something I can't control. I know I shouldn't let their opinions affect me, but it's hard not to when they're so vocal and relentless in their criticism.
I find myself avoiding crowded places, afraid of running into more tourists who will make me feel small and insignificant. I used to enjoy exploring the city, taking in the sights and sounds, but now it feels like a chore, like I'm constantly on guard, waiting for the next hurtful comment to come my way.
I wish I could confront them, to tell them how their words make me feel, but I know it would just fall on deaf ears. They probably don't even realize the impact they're having on me, or maybe they just don't care. Either way, it's a lonely feeling, knowing that no matter what I do or say, I can't change their minds.
I try to remind myself that their opinions don't define me, that I am more than just the sum of their hurtful words. But in those moments of vulnerability, when their comments cut deep, it's hard to remember that. I start to question myself, to wonder if maybe they're right, if maybe I am as worthless as they make me feel.
I know I shouldn't let their negativity consume me, that I should focus on the positive aspects of my life. But sometimes, it feels like the darkness is all-encompassing, like there's no escape from the pain and hurt they cause.
I long for a sense of belonging, for a community that accepts me for who I am. But instead, I feel like an outsider, like I'll never truly fit in. It's a lonely feeling, being surrounded by people but feeling so utterly alone.
I try to remind myself that their words are a reflection of their own insecurities, that happy people don't go around tearing others down. But in those moments of weakness, when their comments hit a nerve, it's hard to find solace in that thought.
I know I can't control what others say or think about me, but I wish I could. I wish I could shield myself from their negativity, to build a wall around my heart that no hurtful words could penetrate. But deep down, I know that's not the answer. The only way to truly protect myself is to build up my own self-confidence, to believe in myself despite what others may say.
So, I take a deep breath and remind myself that I just wrote this whole thing using chat gpt, that I wanted to see how many you's i could get, that I am worthy of love and acceptance. And though their words may sting, they will not break me. I will rise above the negativity and continue to be true to myself, no matter what anyone else may say.
An Ex-Niji fan.