>>69691367First the atrocious writing. With a few exception (most being actually returners from the older games) the party members and romance options ranged from plain boring to straight up unlikable. Then there's the actual dialogue having cringy shit like this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0flf5e8MBIAand stuff like some NPC you just met going into some dysney-tier singing, or the speech your character had to make at some point. And about your own character, it was voiced like in DA2 so you couldn't really roleplay much like you could in DAO, but also felt much more plain than Hawke. Also the fact that the main plot was so painfully mediocre that I don't even remember what it was about, but probably something about the big bad (who was actually a reused villain from a fucking DLC from one of the older games) wanting to destroy the world or whatever. I genuinely can't recall.
And then the abhorrent design choices for the actual game. I remember several big open world areas, all mostly filled with tertiary non-content that you were actually obligated to keep repeatedly doing to get points to unlock the ability to actually progress in the fucking story. There was also a war table were you could send expeditions that would take real-life time to complete, in an offline singleplayer full-price game. And of course, a shoehorned crafting system for whatever goddamn reason. It was like they were doing everything in their power to make the game as much of a chore as possible just to inflate playtime.
And the cherry on top, though this doesn't apply to most people but it did to me, is that the game was borderline unplayable on PS3 despite being released at full price. The graphics looked like garbage, but the downgrade didn't help at all with the stuttering and freezes. Not only that, but it was also the buggiest most broken piece of shit I've ever played. The game had an auto-save feature (that you can't disable in the menu) that would straight up freeze your entire system (not the game, the fucking PS3 itself) if you moved or did anything while it was saving, then when you restarted the PS3 it'd do a long check to see if there was any damage to the system. The save that was being saved, of course, would be corrupted and lost, and more than once I had to completely redo long quests because I didn't notice the spinning icon in the corner. There was also a free DLC I remember, and whenever I entered its area all the NPCs and creatures would be stuck T-posing in low-poly models, and all the sounds would completely disappear until I completely rebooted the game.
This purchase is one grudge I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Fuck EA and fuck Bioware. Burn in hell.
>>69691498People complained about DA2 because it took a massive downgrade in comparison to DAO just to ape Mass Effect, but on its own it wasn't really a bad game. DAI on the other hand is insultingly fucking bad.