>>17267250>MoriProbably the worst although it's better than it used to be, still non-stop dad jokes and A LOT of discordfags but it's slowly improved, stay away from prechats though
>KiaraVery warm/friendly/happy, kind of gives off an uncomfortable hugbox feel but at least it's very positive
>AmeOverall very good chat, sometimes even funny, but also has the most containment breachers which can occasionally get very cringe
>GuraTwitch chat, for better and worse. Considering Gura's raw popularity there's just too many people for anything else. Using emotes to convey a message with ten thousand people spamming is usually the best you can do with that many people
>InaProbably overall the most well-behaved myth chat, even friendly to newfags, though not much for a sense of humor, gives a library feel
>IRySUnfortunately the 32% memes are real. LOTS of blatant SEA people just saying really juvenile shit. Nothing outright offensive or anything but definitely feels low IQ or ESL. Still can make IRyS laugh at times though which is good
Council chats not included because I haven't spent enough time in them to give fair assessment, but Mumei's chat seemed pretty good