>>68257331They very obviously use the word harassment in the JP text. Now let's look at the definition of harassment from a Japanese labour site.
>ハラスメント(Harassment)とは、ある言動や行動によって、相手に不快な思いをさせたり、脅したり、人間としての尊厳を傷つけたりすることです。広い意味で「いじめ」や「嫌がらせ」と同義の言葉ですが、「相手を傷つける意思」や「悪意」がなくても、受け取る側が不快な感情を抱けばハラスメントとして成立します。>Harassment is the act of making someone feel uncomfortable, threatening them, or hurting their dignity as a human being through certain words or actions. In a broad sense, the word is synonymous with "bullying" and "pestering," but even if there is no "intention to hurt the other person" or "malice," it can be considered harassment if the recipient feels uncomfortable.I don't think "she wasn't actually bullied, she was just pestered and harassed and pressured by other livers and management" is the winning gotcha they think it is.