>>25502993(me)Also, this condition is incredibly rare, only around 1 in 30000 births would display its symptoms. The /meat/ aspect is related to the tattoos and rituals performed that the early /who/-/meat/heads did, which had an unanticipated effect of nudging the mutation caused by the /meat/ chuubanite towards these kinds of expressions.
>>25503383News would travel decently fast in Vitubia but it really depends on how you guys relayed the message first. If the announcement is only made when the fleet sets out then it's not a surprise the nations didn't get any advanced notice. If you a lot entrusted a letter to some merchants bound for /hlgg/ when you started preparation then /who/ already knows. It also depends on the county in question. For /nasa/, because of the internal turmoil they likely would know nothing about it until risuners actually come near the sensor range of their surveillance stations. /uuu/ probably wouldn't know it either until some hoomans living near the border relayed the news to the saplings they trade with. Again, really depends. I'll leave it to the split's respective reps.
>>25503830Yeah sorry, the neck might be a bit too complicated.