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Anycolor has an earnings call scheduled for March 14th, a month from now.
JP investors are already starting to snoop around the situation say hi, so he can't just BS his way through it; he'll have to find something tangible he can point to that proves the issue is getting fixed, even if it's largely a token effort.
While new management would be a good thing to show off to that end, the odds that Anycolor will find a Canadian that knows Business-Level Japanese for a price that will satisfy both parties is slim even without considering the time limit. With the time limit, you'd probably have a better chance of fucking you're oshi.
Which means Riku has about a month to find SOMETHING he can show to investors to prove EN expansion isn't dead. The JPs do not care about the drama, they care that the drama is threatening the ability of Nijisanji's brand to expand overseas, which is the promise they were sold the stock on in the first place.
Given the time limit and the direct threat to Riku's wallet in this scenario, he's probably going to scapegoat somebody, isn't he?
Who do you pick to take the heat off?