>>14196644>>14195670>>14197339A Full Transcript of Mori's Reflection Concernfag Rant
https://youtu.be/JFAkojHSeHE?t=12161[context: apologising for how aggressively she was telling concernfags in chat to shut up]
>However, it does get very annoying when... I do want to -->I do just wanna, I wanna go out there and say though, um, we know to be careful. We know. That's why we prepare for a long time for these kinds of streams. I'm glad you guys thought that - I'm glad you guys took it [the aggressive 'shut up's] with good humour, thank you for that. I just didn't realise how loud the volume was. >But yeah, we prepare a very long time, we know to be careful. When it gets said a lot in chat, all that it does is give us more anxiety about it. Um, I for one am constantly looking at the camera to make sure that my reflection is never in there, so when people keep saying "be careful, be careful, be careful!", it makes me worry that my reflection is showing when it's not. (3:23:46)
>And in reality, guys, you know what I look like. I mean look at me, look at me right now. ... Like, like, you know. So, let's not -- it's not as big of a -- when people make it into a very very big deal, um, when I myself don't care at all, like I don't, I don't give a shit, like I don't care, y'know, but people will blow it up to be like, it's this big thing that's "oh man oh boy oh gosh oh no", it makes me not want to do it anymore. It makes me not want to do things like cooking or making drinks, et cetera. When I spend a lot of time making sure that everything is, y'know...(3:24:31)
>Me not wanting my reflection to show is one trillion percent for you guys. I need -- I need you guys to know that. It is a hundred percent for you. Okay? And I work very hard to make sure it doesn't... If it happens? I don't care. I -- maybe there was a time where I did, a long time ago. I don't care anymore. That time has completely, one hundred percent passed away. [Reading chat] "Don't want to die from seeing the true shinigami", of course, exactly! That's the thing. >It is one trillion percent for you guys. I need to be completely honest with you. So, if it happens, I don't want you guys to freak out about it, it will be cut from the VOD for your sake, that's just how it goes. But if it gets shared around the inter -- [mocking voice] "baawooouhh I godda pigcha of Calli's fe--", I don't care, I don't care about it, I do not give a shit, I'm tired, I've been doing this for too long, I don't give a shit anymore guys, I don't care anymore. >I just -- I need you to know that. But, it is for you, because I know for you guys, like it's -- like it's important that you don't see my face... because, if you do, you'll die. So, that's just how it is. (3:25:56)
>Um, that is ME though. That's not how everyone feels. But when it comes to me, that's how I feel about it. So I just want you guys to know, that that's how it is. Okay? So, we're on the same page now, I'm gonna do cooking streams, there will still be new people that come in and say "Oh Calli, be careful about your reflection", and I'm just gonna ignore them from now on. I'm not gonna say anything about it anymore, because I've said my piece. Um, that's just how it is. >The more that people beef up some of these things to be a big deal, the bigger a deal they become, and I don't want to contribute to any of that. At all. I wish it could become, like a -- just a chill laid-back thing, um, instead of some big spooky "oh no the reflection", I need it to, like -- like I wish it would die down. I wish it would just die. But I don't get to control that. >That's how I feel about me though. Letting you know that's -- that's how it is. So yeah, that's all I have to say about it. That's all I have to say about it.(3:26:54)