>>47013575ummm yeah that group project from chemistry 742 with Professor Goldstein... wait HISTORY... oh right history 304...
I'm not not actually a student I totally wasn't coerced by the glowniggers to be here for their psychic research... drugging people with... in order to facilitate telepathic communication... advancing on research done in the 60s... 80s... no way...
yep that group project... a real braintwister that one... telepathy and... and... hehehoho heh heh hooo boy...
y'know the moon is fake right... they found bases on the moon... they don't... they don't tell you this...
the earth... the stars... they... they...
mars... cydonia... here... they... ganymede...
they made us... crushed like a paper bag...
what am I holding up? the cross... the square... the wave... the circle... the star...
red... blue.. green... pink...
24689... 3901750203... 10952091... 3...
yep... yeah... oh yeah...
white rabbit...