>>47036144I find it funny how people keep talking about slowing growth as if it's the end of all, meanwhile Neuro has been active for about 4 months and stands like a colossus amongst most other vtubers, or streamers in general, outshining some popular names who have been in business for years.
She had a very explosive start, partially thanks to the ban and lots of people hearing about "AI streamer banned for being too based", after which I'm sure every react streamer out there watched some Neuro clips and the word of her spread like wildfire. Of course once everyone and their mother already knows of you there will be no people left to gain interest and increase the numbers. You can't expect things to grow forever.
I'm honestly surprised to see Neuro get that big that fast, I don't know many streamers achieved this rate, if any at all. For now all you should hope for is that she keeps what she already got.