>>79362346> be me> living abroad> know this qt3.14 from my home country> I drink like, twice a year, max> qt3.14 and I decide to meet up for dinner> she shows up with a ton of beers> we finish eating and start drinking> one beer in and I’m already tipsy> everything’s going great> suddenly, some guy walks over> “Are you from (insert country)?"> dude is a literal ojisan> inherited a massive house out of nowhere> fat as frick> has 7 wives and kids all over the world (doesn't even know some of their names)> I try to dodge a convo with him> qt3.14 hands him a beer> okay, guess we’re chatting> maybe we can leave after a bit> he starts telling these wild stories> says his ex-wife thought he was cheating, but he was actually cheating> married two women at once, from different states, while still broke af> snuck into another country, worked as a truck driver, made bank> qt3.14 seems to lose interest in the date> despite being mad, I can’t stop listening to his stories> second beer down> I trip on some stairs> they’re laughing and kinda hugging each other> he starts throwing compliments at her> don’t know what to do> if I tell him to stop, it’s weird, since she’s smiling> competing in compliments would ruin the mood> saying we gotta leave would be a crazy lie> she’s still comfy chatting with him> eventually, she suggests exchanging numbers> I still have his number to this day> mfwI’m sure this is more of a drunk friendly happening, but I still felt and feel like a cuck (with only 1 beer down)