>>34424620The unstoppable force we call "time" takes a toll on us as the days go by. Watching the people we knew and love slowly stop doing something for one reason or another, hopefully in search of their next chapter in life. But sometimes it's for the better. Change is good especially if it's for one's well-being.
When Joji quit being FilthyFrank to further pursue his musical interest, one of the reasons was because of health issues (aside from simply losing interest in acting like a complete fucking dumbass/drowning in shit and piss for entertainment purposes, likely further worsening his health).
Sort of reminds me of Korone. While I can't deny she LOVES streaming, her history of health issues combined with being one of the oldest members of Hololive and her typically selfless and sometimes borderline self-destructive behavior, I wonder just how much more can she really handle the pressure.
At the end of the day, treasure not only your oshi, but all the other girls aswell. No matter the reason they decide to eventually quit one day, we must support them and thank them for the smiles and good times.