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koyolabo loaded fine!
important koyolabo news!
due to the onslaught of green, koyolabo shall have no fee until things settle down! think of it as an anniversary sale (koyolabo began this week, one year ago! after a silly koyote went broke gambling, a generous benefactor by the name of dansaa bought the shirt off his back for 4 billion mayos and unbricked his account! those funds began koyolabo, which started with exactly 1 billion of capital! we've had so many adventures! thank you everyone!) but its also our commitment to make today too the best day to buy koyolabo! even during extended moontrips!
thanks for making koyolabo a success! its been a fun ride! going from the very bottom to the currently 4th ranked fund has been fun and satisfying! and we have met many cool people thanks to the koyolabo new entrepreneur fund, movie night, the very rare very special koyote report, and vtl!
lets go even higher!
and, again, thanks! to the investors, people that have helped us with graphs, images, friendly words, and who have honored us with their friendship, time, memes and waos! this means you!
-koyolabo, the wao of tommorrow, today!