>>25914624Yeah bro, let my just casually grab some molotov cocktails, travel to the nearest Gazprom oil extraction unit, crawl trough the open field across multiple layers of electrified barbed wire only to be spotted by surveillance drone half of kilometer away and gunned down by machinegun emplacement.
Yeah bro, let me just grab my pipe shotgun, my pressure cooker bomb and go to the local fortress-like FSB residency, whose only entrance equipped with armored metal detector/gas analyser system that automaticly tazes you if it detects any explosive compound, not to mention a dozen of military guards with orders to shoot on sight.
Yeah bro, let me just organize casual local protest only to be sprayed with """less than lethal""" nerve gas and hosed down with water in -30C weather.
You know nothing about how shit works in here nigger. Current regime can be toppled over only in the event of full scale civil war, and people sure as shit not desperate enough to throw everuthing they have away and drown themselves in chaotic bloody horror of another russian civil war. Sorry for offtopic /pol/ shit, but I just got really pissed.