>>50752490I totally didn't get distracted by people. Hello I am still here. Ina burger.
>>50752809>It happens to the best of us :)Sometimes it just hits
>I too am thinking about opening up requests to make to get a bit of side hustle going though.Yeah thats what i think is acceptable, an optional way to support
>>50753357>I think red onions would also go greatYeah, though sadly the red onions over here are baby small instead of big like most recipes ask you to get..
>I've never seen people put red pepper into burgers before, that's an interesting choice. I'm assuming you got some cheese too, any specific kind or just something regular?You have never heard of red pepper burgers? damn i must be a weirdo then haha, i think red pepper works great on a lot of things. and yeah got some shredded cheese since slices are kinda expensive for how little you get.
>>50753602>CUTE!No U!
>>50754069>Absolutely heretical behaviour I do that all the time tooSometimes you just gotta do with what you can get..
>>50754304Evening laplus anon!
>Very cute chibi Inas!Thank you! Cute maid laplus!
>>50756871Good night lulu anon!