>>37786239> I just feel like even if I disappear tomorrow and stop streaming, nobody will miss me.I feel the same way anon, especially after making Vtuber “friends”. I kind of assumed people actually wanted to be friends with me or talk with me because of who I am, but then I started realising people only wanted to talk with me or be associated with me if I did things for them.
>conveniently getting ignored in chat or ghosted in DM’s unless I’ve raided them or shilled them recently, even then I’ll still get ignored pretty consistently>used as a punching bag/escape goat for jokes in certain circles and treated clearly differently from everyone else in a demeaning way>people only want to talk to me if they want something from me like technical help or to shill for them or to check something of theirs out>every collab proposal I’ve made has been shot down, and ones I’ve been invited to I was just ignored or spoken over by other VtubersIt’s extremely fucking depressing realising that the only reason people keep me around is because I’m just another potential view or someone to leech off of. The only thing keeping me from stopping Vtubing is like two of my viewers right now that I know would miss me if I did stop, and I feel lucky to have them.
I hope you find viewers or something to keep you going anon.