>>6325262Holy crap reading this reads exactly like my Triangle oshi. Like they are 1 for 1 similar in so many areas it is kind of spooky adding to it the fact they were genmates. Honestly reading the leads me to suspect Polka might have massively influenced Delta's out look on fans. As Delta will very readily explains she used to see fans only as numbers and thought they were all full of shit when they said nice things to her. Now she considers her fans to be extremely precious to her, she uses her members streams as a way to vent and get things that are bothering her off her chest, and constantly tell hers fans that just watching her content is enough and she wants them to focus on themselves before worrying about her. She went a little different with the "codependence" thing though. Where Polka wants a significant other, Delta wanted a family "more specifically a father who would tell her how important she is to them.
The very interesting thing it their split in ideals. Polka trusts corporate as far as I know she sees Hololive as the sort of beacon on the hill of VTubers(I DO NOT WATCH POLKA STUFF CALL ME A FAGGOT IF I AM WRONG). Which means she sees joining corporate and acquiring sponsorships as making it. Delta doesn't trust corporate at all. She sees all corporate as black in nature even if they might treat the chuubas well she sees management as cowards who stay quiet while the talents take all the hits. Keep in mind her own experience, she is a fan of Towa, Marine, Coco, and she follows Shion's roommate who has been struggling with antis for months. This shaped her own belief that the only thing you can rely on is yourself, your friends and your fans. Taking on and I shit you not an Outer Heaven approach where Chuubas must worry about themselves and their own careers above any company.
Excuse my schizo ramblings I just find this all facinating. I believe they will both make it their own way they are extremely talented and hard working girls.