Hooooola<3 onions Nero
>>2247557Sorry, im from Galicia
>>2246118Aquí estoy, pidiendo seguidores y atención para un te-debut con un modelo Live2D de pago.
>>2227808You have to be too much original in Spanish community or just having friends with big numbers and money to suck they dick, that's why 4chan is place people don't care about numbers.
>>2222129Yes please, i enjoy myself plying myself looking?+18 art, just imagine if i have my own hentai
>>2231256Sometimes regular media is boring, as i said, being a Hispanic vtuber means you won't get attention at all.
>>2233057Please Onions don't promote racist black legend / Porfavor onions no promovais las mentiras de la leyenda negra anti-española
>>2243710Los españoles usamos comas y puntos, tu eres un latino haciéndote pasar por español.