>>69806457White people are the minority. There are, depending on your definition of white people (thats why saying 'of European stock' is better), maybe 650-700 million white people. And thats including a lot of Slavics and hispanics that purists on /pol/ would exclude in their X-is-not-white D&C.
I am personally of the opinion that racism is fine. Just like natural adaptation did not spare skin colour, metabolism and bonestructure - it also did not spare the brain. There are characteristics you can ascribe to people based on their race.
What i dont like is hypocrisy. And that is what this entire discussion seems to be about. Hypocrites like to argue that 'racism' in some cases isnt racism because of the races involved. Which, funny enough, is racist in itself. Thats why its best to just ignore or ridicule these people. At best they are just stupid, at worst they are disingenuous. There is no available dialectic.
And lets be real here, this pink haired faggot is an unironic faggot. I dont like faggots, so anything theyll say is meaningless.