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Mmm... 4chins is really just a different echo chamber. Bad-think gets punished while agreeing with the masses is rewarded. The fact that we don't have any ingrained ranking, profile, or approval systems (updoots, likes, retweets, etc.) Is what's throwing you. It makes it more difficult to find what the accepted group-think talking points are because you can't search posts by popularity, controversy, or by a particular brand or handle (Except perhaps scrolling the catalog). You have to spend more time here in order to fit in than you do compared to other social media sites, and the longer you're here the more likely you are to get unconsciously align yourself with group-think.
Also, 4channel is relentlessly negative about pretty much everything. While it's important to be critical and honest, a lot of anons use extreme negativity and sometimes downright evil in order to farm replies and outrage. The reason is because 1) admitting you enjoy something makes you vulnerable to criticism yourself and 2) saying that something sucks when other people like it makes you think you appear like an intelligent free-thinker. The literal definition of one of our most popular and long lasting meme phrases (based) means to express an unpopular or not widely held belief to the cheers and applause of everyone around you. 4channel is a paradoxical subculture of contrarianism and collectivism, and such a baffling animal as that should never be taken more seriously than any other biased circlejerk community.