>>63585935>curious how the realism was trained in cosplayers?I took 30k random photos from
https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=photo_%28medium%29+-sketch+-traditional_media+-animated+sort%3ascore+-censored and from panda//?f_cats=959&advsearch=1&f_spf=1000&f_srdd=4
then applied sharpen/auto-contrast to everything and auto-tagged it, added tag "photo" and some cosplayer names.
Nothing special, no manual fixing, I haven't even looked at 90% of those photos.
As you can see, it was not good enough:
Auto-taggers often tagged hand / leg positions wrong. Some photos were already sharp and high contrast, so applying it second time made images too bright.
Should have done this more carefully.