>>2305445>Be me>6 yrs old>Plays a lot of crash twinsanity>Go to school>First day>Meet brown skinned girl>Kinda tomboyish>Family of her was poor as shit so she worked to help family with informal stuff like selling wood, she also sold firecrackers so she could buy stuff for herself>Not a single brother, family of 3 sisters so they all kinda grew tough>She calls me out for not eating the bread crust>Becomes best friend after such a callout my shy brain couldn't get over with>fast forward>Be me again>12>Still playing Crash Twinsanity>She like 13 or something but already giving me hints of liking me>Has become a young QT and full blown tomboy>Athletic girl despite being kinda thickish for a girl her age>Start feeling similar stuff because only girl I talk to and understands me>Families of both of us suspect we might start dating at any second because we are too close>I even get approval to marry her>She does not deny anything, she only looks at me with puppy eyes when family says she might like me, no words, just looks and fiddling with her fingers>PP also raises only with her close so I can confirm It was not regular embarassment>Ignore her advances and go to my house so I can keep playing Crash Twinsanity>Once even holds both my hands and tries to kiss me>I was having me first autismo phase so I avoided her last second cuz indecisive>AutismWasNeverYourChoice.SHY>Keeps insisting on us to go and do stuff together>Ignore, Crash Twinsanity play sessions it is>Some even last 8+ hours>End of year>Prom like event (Not american)>We all get formal clothes for the event>She tries to "entice" me to dance with her>I refuse and sit down to eat>"I wanna play Crash Twinsanity", I say to myself>Prom-like event ends>Get out of "hall of events">She kinda looks sad>"Anon, can you come here for a second?">Looks like a fairy, in a white dress with orange ornaments, I have never seen her like this, she never uses skirts or girly clothes, all while the light of the moon illuminates her sad face with a smile>Looks like she's about to cry for seconds>I knew that look, is the type of look adults do to each other before either kissing or confessing something, she wants to go in for the kill>I respond properly>"No">Go back to house, boot Crash Twinsanity>Regret everything some time later>Sweat buckets on the way there>It was short but It felt like an eternity>Go to her house (we were kinda neighbours but I was a cave rat so I didn't knew about stuff until later)>She moved to the center of the country>Her dad got a 300% times better gig with an actual good salary and medical stuff>She didn't even told me>Mom later comes back to town>tells me she was crying a lot after event>Probably seeing her daughter suffer like that motivated dad to take the offer in middle of country/capital or something she teorizes>Feel like a total dickhead and regret life itself>Boot Crash Twinsanity for 3 months straight daily and basically forget all of this happened>That was 8 years ago...>Find her on FB>She is an 11/10 THICC yet Fit as fuck woman now>Dresses far mor like a girl with a hint of her old self I can remember, weird combination but is my type of thing still>Apparently worked as a teen model a couple of years back too>Days later. She sends me a "hi!" with hearts and lots of emotions in other messages and a friend request which I accepted>I reply something, no idea what>I do not reply again>It's been 6 months since I replied something I can't even rememberSo, this is the best server I have played on anons, 11/10 despite the porn and other stuff.