We'll finalize the rooster now.
Also: Any inputs for new chants or music? Is anything outdated or not fun anymore?
Check out our Wiki page
https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//holoX/Music and chants are welcome. You can submit yt links with timestamps or clips, I can extract audio.
So far on my list:
- Add the new songs
- More Koyori screams as chants (Reminder that /mayo/ is a separate team)
- Process chants collected here
>>68259181- Add player database (low prio)
>Changes on the rooster(La+) Wifi-kun -> (Meta) HoloXer
(La+) I like Ass -> (La+) Lapdog
(La+) My Daugther -> (La+) Unchained Laplus
(La+) Wagahai -> (Lui) Dragon Quest Lui
(Koyo) Koyoyoyo -> (Iroha) Iroha the strongest being
>What's going on?Aesthetics deadline is in 2 weeks. /holoX/ got sent back to the painting room. We're required to have a second kit for all players. The mentioned alternative designs don't fulfill the rules of showing the affiliation to a team at a glance. We have two options: Accept it or come up with new models for all players using the default model. As the camera is far away minor changes won't do the job. So prepare to enjoy purple clothing on all players. I have to see what we can do about the secondary color.
Group stage draw will be on 2xth February. Block your calendars for the match days: March 1-3, 8-10, 15-17
>Call for contributionsWe want hypes! It's easy to edit some logos, mascots or any other images into a video and replace words in the audio. I'm thinking about the hype from /fvr/ vs /mayo/ or maybe the friendlies intro. Just submit some cool memes to exploit.
>SUBMIT MOAR GAMETIPS! Just dump a shitpost into the form.https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQ2qkIthMooFnrkHHhoMKDh_gK5AmpBa0wJapUg5nbZ4_DOw/viewform