More clip numbers, recent only (<2 Days). Other here
>>34352646Laplus(42->1) with several animations (GtrdI7cpzaE, +201k; GJQrqCkj79U, +114k; psrZ-l8ZWOE, +56k) and zatsu. (u4qVsIB3MSU, +114k; eAj4hR_RHUI, +53k).
Pekora(4->2) with GunEvo/zatsu. (JfbW6Ihk9ng, +50k; WEzQRzu1H4k, +35k; Awa5weda4hI, +33k).
Regis(69->3) with Valorant. It is uncertain how much of it is due to Kobo though. (tx0pKJiYRdM, +53k; 7zuT-1ohYbs, +76k/3; tBOMP0_EeEE, +65k/3)
Botan(19->4) with GunEvo. (ZAxzdHmc_xY, +111k; EPWMeFhR8-g, +86k; 901gOggnVes, +56k)
Korone(12->5) with animations (j3TYInKmDd4, +57k; 9QUbYkURfqs, +19k) and zatsu. (uTMSgL2aCGM, +23k; pC2gsHMJ9DU, +14k).
Getting lazy so I'll skip the rest of the sources. HL Official(7->6) with shorts. Kuzuha(15->7) with FIFA. Sara(97->8) with the viral clip (previous post mentions it), Moona(124->9) with Valorant w/ Kobo, Miko(5->10) with Splatoon/zatsu.
Split today is 6.0M(+1.0M) HL to 1.9M(-350k) NJ.