>>10829755Crazy timing on this one anon, I just finished something for the first time in months myself. I really enjoyed the sequential timeskip approach and liked the variety of ways you detailed her changing body.
For me, here's something not nearly as architectural as usual, but the spirit's in the right place. I actually made it for the writing general as a way to get out of my comfort zone: Sui-chan gains a bit of weight in the backside and gets plowed in the ass
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR2-aDslC22npO6yMyz67aiFTuj7kiVFHLWpuUhwPLyL2-a8w9imJtvZ_8LHSAGts91KFB4RtwJrUSR/pubAlso let me know how well this published google doc format works. I might switch to it if there are no outstanding downsides.