>>24295144That's not strictly correct, since on average trans people suffer from various mental disorders. Depression, schizophrenia, dissociative disorders and various personality disorders.
While the statement, 'being trans has no impact on the content you make' could be, literally, true, it would only be so in a limited context. How limited, and if it is too limited or not, is really a matter of perspective.
All together, the statement could be considered objectionable on it's face depending on if you at all care about the effect on average, rather than by case. Since the statement is a generalization you might see why some people would be more partial to the effect on average rather than the more general or platitudinal take.
>>24295551/pol/ has the jew, /vt/ has the seafags, /asp/ has viewers.
I'm pretty sure it's just a fact by this point that 4chan is a front page of google results kind of sight nowadays and that iphone posters are the new majority. So it's actually, or at least more obviously, true than the other examples.