>>40212084How does that even work? You just grab a regular chuuba and give her kemonomimi ears?
>What elseI've used the Holopedia WIP as an excuse to put together a bunch of loose fics I've wanted to write, stuff with Botan, Mio, Foobers, etc.
What it will have however, depends on the angle I give it to fit the setting.
>>40212153>Is this going to have smut in it? That depends on the scenario presented. Smut burns me out, but implied sex will most likely happenAlso, funny you mention the Korone part, because I had something like this in mind
>Koro-san and Anon are both going to the same elementary school>Anon gets bullied often for being skinny and sensitive>Korone stands up for him one day, simply because she feels empathetic towards him>Anon shares his lunches with her>Anon's parents change schools>Years later, high school setting>Anon and Korone meet again, but they don't really remember each other>Anon's a top student, doing his best to get into college>Life hasn't been very kind on Korone, as she often comes off as harsh or rude, thus she's dubbed the delinquent girl>Anon's teacher, some deadbeat that somehow landed the job, begs him to help bring Korone's grades up, since she's bringing down the class average and that means less money for him>Korone could give less of a shit about the nerd trying to teach her geometry, she wants to go home and play videogames>Tired of Korone being teasy and mean, he takes a break>Korone tells him to just give it up>He shouldn't try so hard with a lost cause>Anon tells her he needs to do it, because otherwise his cunt homeroom teacher won't give him the extra marks he needs>OffToARoughStart.jpg>Waits for Korone after her boxing class>Korone lands a hook that earns her a victory>Anon is super turned on>Plays it off, Korone sniffs that something's off>Anon says that the punch she threw was really, really cool>Korone is flattered, unsure how to react>Ends up giving a wimpy "thanks" >Friendship ensues, with Koro san trying to show affection to Anon with little teasing, getting protective of him, etc>Anon and Korone are getting ostracized because human-kemono relationships are seen as immoral by both groups>Anon comes to school one day to see his locker vandalized with all sorts of messages, like "Animal Fucker", "Zoophile" or "Couldn't fuck a human so he fucked a bitch">Korone comforts him>Sets out to settle things with however picking on him>Fight ensues>Anon jumps in the moment someone brings out a blunt weapon, gets hit in the head and passes out>Korone's fucking mad>Bashes the head in of the perpetrator onto the floor>Stays by Anon's side until he wakes up>Months later, they finally realize that they had been friends in elementary, they just couldn't recognize each other>Lovey dovey shit ensues>She becomes a teen mom, and also a professional wrestler>Anon and his daughters go to cheer on Koro-san every fight.