It has to be someone from Luxiem, they're the only ones where it would be a disaster for the company if anyone from that wave left before even 2 years. Not even the sisters would be able to explain it away, the branch's reputation would be permanently fucked at that point. And the only ones I can see ready to go are either Shu, Mysta, or Vox. Shu apparently gets into screaming matches with management behind the scenes and was devastated with AR Fes being cancelled, Mysta felt like he did all he wanted and would rather play gachas in peace and not think about management's 1% merch cut, and if Vox's "2.0" era fails then I'm not sure what he'd do at that point but leave the company since he's sick of being pidgeonholed as a walking dildo.
Other than that the only other big talent I can see gearing up to leave is Selen. Fat jokes aside, it just feels like she's been out of it for a while now, not just due to APEX but with that contest where fans design her a new costume. As an artist she was probably pissed off with Anycolor's original T&C, which basically said that even if an applicant doesn't win they can take their design and repurpose it in any way the company sees fit without any form of compensation. The fact that she probably had to shell out $5k USD of her own money to 5 lucky winners and that "Tired" tweet she did on her PL immediately after makes it look like that was the breaking point.
>>52491014That's debatable. Yes Pomu is a Niji fan, but its clear that she doesn't enjoy working for Nijisanji anymore and is only staying on for her fans/friends. She likely renewed her contract so she probably won't leave this year, but unless things really change up and she finally gets Home3D early next year, I don't see her staying on for long.
>>52492606Can't be Kotoka, she's not huge and she'll probably bootlick Anycolor to the end because they improved her living situations.