Quoted By:
>I reserve the right to double check the information
>But you should also not give me your information because that's bad op sec
Which one is it? You either want people's real details so you can look them up for some reason OR you encourage people do practice air tight op sec so you can't look them up. Would you deny payment from someone with air tight opsec? I fucking doubt it. So none of this "I need to look people up and find what their grandparents are called" shit makes any sense.
>the information was handed to me
Yes, and then you forget it ever occured and never mention it ever again. Not stalk the people who trusted you with it and reference that you know their information to others. That's beyond fucked.
>I am not responsible for the safety of your personal details moving forward.
Actually nigger, you fucking are, as a business you have an obligation to follow the law regarding the use of people's personal and private information. Using that information to look up irrelevant information in some areas of the world is actually straight up fucking illegal.