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[Undercover KFP AX Findings Day 1]
4 Frailmates. Looked like the slightest breeze would kill them
2 Fatmates. Looked like the slightest bit of extra food would kill them. Only one teamate was white.
2 flipodachis and a fat niggadachi
3 KFP. Normal except for one. Chubby, looked like he was too nervous to look a man in the eye, and kept staring at the floor
2 chumbuds. Both looked like highschool kids (Probably greyniggers too)
Ame (Female) and Gura(Female?) cosplayers they are
2 deadbeats with no Roommate merch
2 Mori cosplayers (female(but 1 actually male after further investigation))
Lots of omocat myth unity shirts on people and several JP holo representation
... and doxxbeats