>>92329255Eat momos. Sauté momos. Turn a momo into a small entree. Slam dunk a momo into some barbeque sauce. Turn momos into buttered croissants. Use momos to make mousse. Teach momos the meaning of sous-vide. Flambé momos. Enjoy momos with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. Stir-fry momos in a wok. Have a healthy momo salad. Toss momos into fondue. Cook momos over an outdoor fire pit. Deliver momos to Gordon Ramsey. Stuff momos inside a turkey. Bake momos into meatloaf. Coat momos in breadcrumbs. Accidentally overcook momos, but eat them anyway. Create momo surf-and-turf. Season momos with Old Bay. Flatten momos into pie crusts. Liquefy momos into a smoothie. Make momo s’mores. Create food art with momos. Cook momos on a propane grill. Mix momos into authentic guacamole. Bake momos in an oven. Mandatory fattening for momos. Grind momos in a mortar and pestle and sprinkle them over pasta. Deep fry momos in fried chicken grease. Pulverize momos with a meat tenderizer. Fatten up momos with lard. Serve momos with skewers.