Quoted By:
>I watched uh, ooh I watched this movie I was waiting to tell you guys about it was like "I'm gonna stream, eh I don't feel like streaming, I'm gonna stream, I don't feel like streaming, I'M GONNA STREAM, ahh no... gonna be a potato today" anyways I watched this movie I wanted to tell you guys about- oh no I don't have any money that's fine- I watched this movie called oh yeah I was telling you guys about it, its, it looked interesting cause uhhh, I was watching like uhh what was it? Oh yeah, Calli did like uhh, how do I do this? I... oh this is like a sniper's nest sort of. Sorry, I was watching a uhh... oh yeah Calli she did like a collab stream on twitch or something yeah, recently, and I was watching a, on twitch, it, they have like a- ooh, ooh, do it again. Oh what? What what what what, one more time. HAHAHA. I was watching her uh ads, watching ads on twitch. And one of them was for the movie Infinite with not Matt Damon. I thought Matt Damon but it wasn't Matt Damon. Matt Damon looks like Mark Wahlberg. Anyways it was Mark Wahlberg and it is such a bad movie. It's a really terrible movie. But it was good in like the best, it was good in the worst way possible. You guys should watch it if you haven't seen it before. It was really really really really really really really bad. But like because it was so bad, it was good. There was like one scene, spoilers, well it's pretty shit anyways. I dunno I dunno why, it's just really bad movie. There was like one scene where they're like torturing this guy and they like, one of the guys wants an answer from him about something and he's like "I'M GONNA DROWN YOU IN HONEY" and he like pours a jar of honey in the guy's mouth but he doesn't even cover his nose and the guy starts like-- I don't know, it's so dumb! He just has like honey dripping down his, down his face and like they make it look super dramatic and stuff from the lighting but it just looks really dumb cause he's just like dripping honey I dunno, it's really weird you guys should watch it.
>You didn't hear it from me though. You didn't hear it from me.