Quoted By:
>Japan is in a bit of a recession post covid.
>Tech companies mostly affected and tried to take advantage of recent trend in over-hiring.
>Anycolor had to do some stock buybacks, resulting in $150M of expenditures but increasing their stock prices from ¥3,100 to ¥3,800.
>Selen incident.
>Shares drop in 7 days to below ¥3,100.
>Oh nyo.png
>Investors realizing they are losing money due to controversial company activities and are selling shares trying to not lose more money.
>Anycolor announces collaboration with Google Pixel to increase investor confidence and boost stock prices temporarily, hoping to create a positive feedback loop.
>From less than ¥3,100, the price went up to ¥3,250 in a matter of days.
>People start shitting on Anycolor and Nijisanji doubters. Stating that the stock price will just keep going up.
>It didn’t, and 5 days later the price has hit ¥3,095.
>Pic related.