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The underlying concept of a group of adventurers isn't BAD per se.
But the party is unbalanced and their look is pretty overdone. But then these are Japanese designers who love them some repetition.
Also those classes.
So how would I have approached it?
Replace Hero with Warrior or Mercenary. Footman could be good too.
Give him the most dummy over the top design but go full landsknecht with it. Pick an older man with a bro personality. Instead of some 18 year old fuckboi.
Am I basically describing Kruber? I am basically describing Kruber. Fuck you it would be awesome and you all know it.
Alchemist idea works, the look does not. Make him the youngest and pick someone excitable and energetic.
Not gonna lie this is actually the one I have the least problems with. Though his face is iffy actually no just his whole head. Replace the head and it could work and his actual hands because FUCK ME he got some yaoi hands going on there.
Gladiator. Just yeet that idea out the window. Actually...no the idea can work with the right personality. Pick someone who's argumentative and headstrong? But uhhh that furry baiting costume? Gotta go. Something simpler and more classical though the inclusion of chains? Definitely a winner aesthetically.
If you are gonna go with something else though I'd recommend cleric or something similar. With a guy who can act more as the moral compass of the group. Could work as a great comedic counter to the rest of the group as the straight man of the group (not in the sexual sense)
Scholar. Rename that to wizard. You got to have a wizard fuck you. So long as he has some good chaotic no sense of right or wrong energy he'd work. If he has the ability to channel some right manic energy when excited then he'd be great.
Overall though it just seems they're taking this generic anime adventurer guild setting too seriously when they'd be better off playing it for laughs.
And the designs all have big yaoi energy. Thinking on it actually that makes sense considering their probable target audience.
Yeah I wouldn't worry about them /vt/ they're not meant for guys.