>>24302926Yui: Ex-gyaru otaku with a really funny/annoying/wheezy/cute baby laugh.
>>23269802 gets it. Popular for good reason. Wants to be a serious musician and has a lot of potential for it.
Niu: Alcoholic chatty cat that manages to avoid dead air without being annoying. Also super cute. Flexes this a lot by doing a lot of group activities. Seems like she wants to make a lot of friends. Can understand English decently and appeals to English speakers without really pandering (as far as I can tell). Really likes horror kusoge that can be finished in short playthroughs. Can draw and her artstyle is a bit amateurish, but it's super cute.
I don't know if it's roleplay but her karaoke is hilarious because her voice is kind of goofy and she likes emotional songs. Recommend her 雑談. She has a great L2D and plays around with it a ton. You can find a lot of clips of it.
Forte: Emperor of gap moe because she looks like a final boss but speaks in a soft onee-san type voice and acts a bit like a spoiled child. Actually seems to have a lot of hidden talents and was ranked Immortal in Valorant before debuting. Her aim and sense carry over to other games. Has a habit of peaking her bad mic and activating the noise canceler, especially when she gets surprised. She yells pretty loud. Solo stuff may be a bit slow paced for some people but seems to really love her colleagues and gets along with them really well. Does a lot of group activities with the. Here's a good story
>>23581737 that started because a puzzle piece looked like a sunfish. She recommends that you look through Guchico-mama's art to get energetic. Seems to really like ecchi things.
Aruse: Wageslave that shadows as a streamer, wants money to quit his day job. Takes money kind of seriously as a result. Known for not stopping talking, and you can count the number of solo activities he's done on a single hand. Dog of the company that got the most kills during VSaikyou #4. Thinks it's cute when people call him Inu, because he actually is a dog.
It's pretty tough to keep up... someone else can write now...