>>7187195>he still hasn't realized it yetThat stream was LITERALLY structured to be Dante's Inferno.
>IRyS is to take a tour of the world where those who have passed through a barrier (collab ban or death) reside>her first stop is that of Limbo, where those of good virtue who were not given the choice to be Blessed with Communion reside (JP Server, communion = eigo ability)>passes through Limbo and goes through the River to Hell, passing by large guardian who stands in judgement (the statues on the railway)>from Hell, IRyS continues to go deeper and deeper into the layers of hell and encounters stranger and stranger things, guided by a poet of old (Virgil = Mori)>Hell is shaped as a series of concentric rings until they reach the bottom (IRyS' death pit ended up being a single deep hole, surrounded by dug out holes of shallower depth all around it, hence, concentric ring pattern)>eventually they reach the very bottom of the Earth, where Satan is caught in eternal punishment (this is when the deaths really start to pile up)>from there, the protagonist and their guide emerge out of Hell and to Purgatory to ascend to Heaven>once they reach Purgatory, at a certain point, Virgil(Mori) departs the protagonist, where they continue their journey to Heaven>Heaven is above the planet, represented by the stars and space above Earth that is reached after climbing Purgatory, represented as a large mountain (IRyS continues to struggle climbing, dying of fall damage but continuing to go upwards)>eventually, they reach Heaven itself, achieve enlightenment through God, and the book ends in peace(IRyS builds above the clouds at one point, and basks in it while overlooking the game, before returning to her house and sleeping, ending the stream)These girls are far, FAR smarter than you think