>>84076736This same post by the same poster keeps popping up but do you see people agreeing with you much? You never see how the threads and their tags work this is RETRO, which does not excluse RETRO + MALE combination of tags. Likewise MALE thread does not either exclude RETRO + MALE, as you keep insisting. But what you are looking for is /vrg/, RETRO + FEMALE, it has exactly what you want and you should go back. Or are you butthurt that the thread is slow? Just make it more appealing instead of trying to hijack others.
>ur gay gay homo homo peepooI don't care for males either but when in Rome. Retro is a niche as is and you could just use a filter list if you want to stick around here.
>captchaWhat the male spooks did to you in your delusions, ha.