>>96067628at 1:21:46 she started talking about the process behind sound asleep
>soo, like, these were gonna be our (encore's) first original songs, so i had a lot of ideas for it>it was a collaborative effort, me and my friends were jamming it out and i was like "i wanna use this on my original!">i think it was about feeling stuck, when i joined idol it was a little bit scary 'cause it was a new direction in terms of streaming and releasing things, but they wanted me to release music and i came to the company with the intention to do more music and be a musician.>before that i took a really long emotional and physical health hiatus, 'cause my voice got really bad, like, extremely damaged because of all the work that i was doing, it really lowered my morale.>i... almost didn't want to continue because i had already gone through so much, like, being indie and going through my old company dying, i didn't know if i wanted to continue>so i decided that i'd just not die>i'd just be like a freaking cockroach>i was talking about that in a meeting the other day, i was like "GOD i just. won't. DIE."then proceeds to chuckle at her comical level of resilience
>like i'm just living at this point because i'll just prove everybody that i won't fuckin die>no matter what happens around me, there's no way that Chikafuji Lisa will ever fucking die>i'm gonna be the roach of the vtuber scenewe're familiar with emo roaches around these parts
>we're coming up on 4 years at this point, and i think that's pretty crazy...>Sound Asleep is kinda like, feeling like you're stuck, and feeling really down on yourself, in terms of direction, like, where do i wanna go in life? what do i wanna do? who do i wanna be? what kind of person do i wanna be for others?>and you're like, beating yourself up too hard, when you just have to persevere and fight it out>so i'm gonna keep going no matter what>fuck it, they're not gonna kill meshe's such a main character
>>joining idol definitely helped you a lot>yeah! i was surrounded by a lot of likeminded people->it's hard to tell sometimes in this scene what is a business relationship and what's an actual friendship, especially too 'cause i feel like i treat everybody the same.>finding your people and surrounding yourself with goodness...then kind lisa tags out for girlboss lisa
>and not letting people get in your fucking way>that's the thing>you'll never find true happiness if you keep worrying about what other people think about you>and i've just decided that don't give a crap anymore, and i'm just unapologetically me>and that's (tongue click) that's that>so i had this lyric idea which i ended up scrapping>don't wanna read it out 'cause i'm kinda shy>but i'll put it on screen>you can kinda see what the original idea waspicrel
>i'll actually use these lyrics eventually so do not steal them>do not steal!!!!then she didn't just read them, but actually sang them to show how close it sounded to the final song