Anyway schedule time. Currently live:
Mouse - No idea what she's got planned. She's currently wearing a funny little box and doing some singing though and that's fun all its own. - Playing Genshin. I think this is a sponsored stream but just noticed it doesn't say #sponsored but maybe that's what !wings is. neither of those do it for you then some more distant +'s on are Brett who's playing Satisfactory, and Takahata who's playing Halo Infinite. And as for tomorrow...
Silver - Family collab with her Kon Zetsu and Mamavale. I'm actually not sure what they'll be playing. Schedule doesn't say.
DND? - Pretty sure this is still on but I could see it being canceled. Assuming it's not then Vei, Froot, Nyan, Haruka, and maybe finally Snuffy will be around.
Everyone else is a mystery. We might see Vei or Mel tomorrow but there's zero schedules to go on. Nyan's normally been skipping Fridays for DND but maybe Myau could appear or she could stream to lead into it since she's been gone all week. Who knows. Zen's gone for holidays and I forgot how long that'll be.