Prompt recap! Last thread had a lot of new prompts. Here they are in case you missed them:
There needs to be more femboy Suisei fics.:
>>40960497Punishing Axel for browsing 4chan.:
>>40964971Tiny Bae crawling under the covers and waking (You) up by playing with your morning wood:
>>40967824impregnating the entire pantheon:
>>40976116kiara is still fucking all of the jps, get writing lads!:
>>40986967Earfucking Mio and cumming inside:
>>40997822Fucking Lui's fat matronly bottom while she wears fishnets.:
>>41003059Having your fat bottom be fucked by a matronly Lui while she wears fishnets:
>>41003123Breaking into Pekora’s house and raping her mid stream:
>>41012034Teaching Bae (or a zoomer of your choice) how to pirate.:
>>41044128Bae wakes up one morning to find herself shrunken to five inches in height and becomes stuck in a Groundhog Day loop of predatory chuubas losing to their instincts and swallowing her when she tries to get help from them: