>>17489774 Im fucking tired i hope pink cat goes live soon i just want the m3u8 so i can finaly fuck off for today:
The Archive is 99.9% complete as of now if you happen to have this lost 10 minute nyanners vod please upload it:
>2020-10-23 playing Spooky's Dollhouse DLC! (flashing/strobing effects warning, watch with care!)
Also while it is unlikely nyanners will even see this,nyan if you happen to see this can you please upload the full vod of this to your Vod channel ? [YouTube] 4 Anime Girls vs Scary Disgusting Creatures [GTFO] (embed)
I understand if you dont want to do it (i already have froot and veis PoV but yours would be nice to have as you didnt stream the colab yourself) but it doesent hurt to ask.
>My Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) Vod Archive (99.9% complete):
- Mega download and torrent:
https://pastebin.com/raw/Eg1Yy3TZ (embed)
- Spreadsheet containing the runtime/Contents of each Vod:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/18b_EP4PnxDOGM-HxjwpYz5Duno1J9fBZ/view ---
Some infos if you want to archive stuff on your own (how to get/use the M3U8 Links and stuff) as im only archiving Nyanners content/colabs with her:
https://pastebin.com/raw/1i8hF902 (embed)