>>22641347>>22641476So, I have an idea, one that will probably give /risu/ slight gameplay(?) balance
In my Risuner forestry proposal, since us Risuners love the environment we would have extreme silvieculture. If we want to chop down a tree for timber to make treehouses, bridges, anything, we'll plant 10 saplings in return.
Like a reverse Australian aboriginal farming.
Then OGsuner proposed gem trees.
That got me speculating, and I loce spec-evo, how would excessive gem tree farming will affect wildlife.
So... /risu/ animals are affected by gem trees. Like how squirrels forgot where they store their nuts, resulting in new trees, previous gens of Risuners often forgot where they farmed gem trees. Lots of them.
Gem trees take a long time to bear fruit yet these trees are ripe but never harvested. Overripe, their vitubium energy leaks as the gem fruit rots and start affecting nearby animals.
Ruby trees make the birds into false phoenixes. Emerald trees make the regular trees grow even taller.
Also Risuners cant harvest every abandoned gem tree in time, by the time we clean up one acre, three more overripes creating a stable cycle.
Another thing to add is that Risuners are a mostly tree dwelling civ. Our villages are built along the canopies.
The absence of Risuners on the forest floor, aside from the specific ground trait Risuners like Moles and Prairie Dog risuners, means that the surface ecosystem isn't scared of Risuners