>>68917961ambitious people get stifled in japanese work environments anon, I've seen it myself. One of the only good coworkers I ever had who was genuinely passionate about his job and had a ton of good ideas to improve the way we do things got bullied so hard by our department heads that he one day came to work looking liked he'd been dredged out of a swamp and told me he couldn't sleep because he had nightmares about coming to work. He then just got sick one day, went home, went AWOL for 3 months and never returned. Almost the same exact situation and he was absolutely in the right and the horrible witch who bullied him and tried to gaslight everyone into thinking he was in the wrong was awful at her job and should have been fired years ago.
I'm on doki's side here even if she technically broke the rules or was mentally ill, they made her that way.