>>51275508Your last digit is your superpower
1. Be able to fly
2. Be able to make a 20cmx20cm portal directly to Panko's Manko
3. Transform into Airi for 10 minutes on full moon 11pm , no matter where you are or what you are doing
4. Be able to hear Michiru's inner monologue wherever you are, cant mute it or turn it off
5. Change your left hand into Shiina's left hand for 5 hours with a week long cooldown
6. You can get uncurable prostate cancer by will
7. When Nasa is sleeping you can double jump
8. Every time Lia cuts herself, you get a permanant 0.2% penis increase
9. You can see what Pippa sees, and only what Pippa sees forever. You cant hear her surrounding or anything like that
0. With a snap of your fingers, you get a bag of random Phase Coffee materailize in front of your legs